Livestock | Marine | Marinefish | Angels
Found 16 products.
Blueface adult Pomacanthus XanthometoponOur price: £125.00ViewFor more experience aquarist, it is a moderately hardy fish, that needs plenty of swimming space, but need a few hiding places too, as shy initially , but becomes bolder as it settles. Also not as aggressive as other members of same family
Blueface Juv - Pomacanthus XanthometoponOur price: £60.00ViewFor more experience aquarist, it is a moderately hardy fish, that needs plenty of swimming space, but need a few hiding places too, as shy initially , but becomes bolder as it settles. Also not as aggressive as other members of same family
Dwarf Bicolor Angel - Centropyge BicolourOur price: £38.00ViewMax size 5.9 inch
Dwarf Cherub Angel - Centropyge ArgiOur price: £0.00ViewMax size 3.1 inch
Dwarf Coral Beauty - Centropyge BispinosaOur price: £48.00ViewMax Size 3.9 inch
Dwarf Eibl Angel - Centropyge EibliOur price: £0.00ViewMax size 5.9 inch
Dwarf Fisher Angel - Centrpyge fisheriOur price: £0.00ViewMax size 2.4 inch
Dwarf Keyhole Angel - Centropyge TibicenOur price: £0.00ViewMax size 7.5 inch
Dwarf Lemonpeel angel - Centropyge flavissaOur price: £0.00ViewMax size 5.5 inch
Dwarf Rusty Angel - Centropyge ferrugataOur price: £38.00ViewMax size 3.9 inch
Emperor Adult Pomacanthus ImperatorOur price: From £129.00ViewMax Size 15 inches
Emperor Juvenile - Pomacanthus ImperatorOur price: From £45.00View
Genicanthus Lamarck AngelOur price: £0.00View9.1 inch
Genicanthus Melanospilos - blackspot angel femaleOur price: £0.00ViewFeed at least 3 times a day , but will browse on filamentous and diatoms. Also feed brineshrimp,mysis and spirulina.
Majestic Adult - Paracanthus NavarchusOur price: From £140.00ViewMax Size 11.8 inch
Majestic Juvenile Paracanthus NavarchusOur price: From £70.00View