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Food | Frozen Fish Foods | TMC

Found 22 products.

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TMC Bloodworm Mini 5 x 100gTMC Bloodworm Mini 5 x 100gOur price: £12.50View Description The only food used by Tropical Marine Centre at its four fish-holding facilities.Highest quality ingredients, rapidly packed, sealed & frozen.Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer.100% natural products and the wide variety available ensures that individual species of fish receive a balanced, varied and interesting diet   5x 100g Blister Packs of the same or a mix of varieties, just state what you would like to have. TMC Brineshrimp & Garlic 5 x100gTMC Brineshrimp & Garlic 5 x100gOur price: £12.50View Description Brineshrimp + Garlic. For marine, tropical, coldwater & cichlid.TMC Brineshrimp + Aloe Vera 100g x5TMC Brineshrimp + Aloe Vera 100g x5Our price: £12.50View Description Brineshrimp plus Aloe Vera. For marine, tropical, coldwater & cichlid.TMC Brineshrimp + Spirulina 5 x 100gTMC Brineshrimp + Spirulina 5 x 100gOur price: £12.50View   Description Brineshrimp + Spirulina. For marine, tropical, coldwater, cichlid & discus. The only food used by Tropical Marine Centre at its four fish-holding facilities. Highest quality ingredients, rapidly packed, sealed & frozen. Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer. 100% natural products and the wide variety available ensures that individual species of fish receive a balanced, varied and interesting diet. Blister packs are designed to dispense one measured cube of food at a time, leaving the rest of the product sealed within their separate blisters. A quick and convenient way of feeding fish. Colour-coded feeding suitability guide makes it easy to find the right food for your fish!
TMC Brineshrimp Quintet 5 x100g blisterTMC Brineshrimp Quintet 5 x100g blisterOur price: £12.50View escription Brineshrimp Quintet. For marine, tropical, coldwater & cichlid.TMC Brineshrimp+Omega 3 5 x 100g blisterTMC Brineshrimp+Omega 3 5 x 100g blisterOur price: £12.50View Description Brineshrimp + Omega-3. For marine, tropical, coldwater & cichlid.TMC Cichlid Diet  5 x 100gTMC Cichlid Diet 5 x 100gOur price: £12.50View Description Cichlid Diet. For tropicals & cichlids.TMC Cyclops 5 x 100g blisterTMC Cyclops 5 x 100g blisterOur price: £12.50View Description Cyclops. For tropical, coldwater, cichlid & discus.
TMC Daphnia 5 x 100g BlisterTMC Daphnia 5 x 100g BlisterOur price: £12.50View Description The only food used by Tropical Marine Centre at its four fish-holding facilities.Highest quality ingredients, rapidly packed, sealed & frozen.Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer.100% natural products and the wide variety available ensures that individual species of fish receive a balanced, varied and interesting diet. 6 x 100g Blister Packs of the same or a mix of varieties, just state what you would like to have. TMC Discus Diet 5 x 100gTMC Discus Diet 5 x 100gOur price: £12.50View Description For tropical and discus. The only food used by Tropical Marine Centre at its four fish-holding facilities. Highest quality ingredients, rapidly packed, sealed & frozen. Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer. 100% natural products and the wide variety available ensures that individual species of fish receive a balanced, varied and interesting diet. Blister packs are designed to dispense one measured cube of food at a time, leaving the rest of the product sealed within their separate blisters. A quick and convenient way of feeding fish. Colour-coded feeding suitability guide makes it easy to find the right food for your fish!TMC Fine Chopped Mussel 5 x100gTMC Fine Chopped Mussel 5 x100gOur price: £12.50View Description Finely Chopped Mussel. For marine.TMC Krill PacificaTMC Krill PacificaOur price: £12.50ViewDescription Krill Pacifica. For marine, tropical & coldwater.
TMC Marine CuisineTMC Marine CuisineOur price: £12.50ViewDescription Marine Cuisine. For marine. TMC Marine QuintetTMC Marine QuintetOur price: £12.50ViewDescription Marine Quintet. For marine. TMC Mysis ShrimpTMC Mysis ShrimpOur price: £12.50ViewDescription Mysis Shrimp. For marine, tropical, & coldwater. TMC Mysis Shrimp+GarlicTMC Mysis Shrimp+GarlicOur price: £12.50View 
TMC Red PlanctonTMC Red PlanctonOur price: £12.50ViewDescription Red Plankton. For marine, tropical, coldwater & cichlid. TMC RotifersTMC RotifersOur price: £12.50ViewDescription Rotifers. For marine. TMC Tropical Quintet x 5 100g BlisterTMC Tropical Quintet x 5 100g BlisterOur price: £12.50View Description Tropical Quintet. For tropical, cichlid & discus.TMC TubifexTMC TubifexOur price: £12.50ViewDescription The only food used by Tropical Marine Centre at its four fish-holding facilities. Highest quality ingredients, rapidly packed, sealed & frozen. Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer. 100% natural products and the wide variety available ensures that individual species of fish receive a balanced, varied and interesting diet 6 x 100g Blister Packs of the same or a mix of varieties, just state what you would like to have.
TMC Vegetarian DietTMC Vegetarian DietOur price: £12.50ViewDescription Vegetarian Diet. For marine, tropical & cichlid. TMC White Mosquito LarvaeTMC White Mosquito LarvaeOur price: £12.50ViewDescription The only food used by Tropical Marine Centre at its four fish-holding facilities. Highest quality ingredients, rapidly packed, sealed & frozen. Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer. 100% natural products and the wide variety available ensures that individual species of fish receive a balanced, varied and interesting diet. 6 x 100g Blister Packs of the same or a mix of varieties, just state what you would like to have.
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