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Livestock | Tropicals | Catfish

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Black Venezuelan Cory - Corydoras schultzeiBlack Venezuelan Cory - Corydoras schultzeiOur price: £10.99ViewAlthough you would think they are from Venezuela their "parent" is from peru but the black Venezuelan cory has been developed in select breed in aquariums, as they are a colour strain of schultzi.Bronze cory - Corydoras aeneusBronze cory - Corydoras aeneusOur price: £3.95ViewThe bronze cory is one of the staple corys of aquarium easy to take care of. They are best kept it small groups, with soft substrate that does not damage their barbels. They will thrive in open water or well planted tanks.Columbian SharkColumbian SharkOur price: £9.95ViewCory AlbinoCory AlbinoOur price: From £3.50ViewOne of the most popular corys, Keep in soft sand is best practice. they prefer planted tanks with caves, bogwood  to nip in and out of. they are a nice peaceful hardy cory that can breath air, so no concern for seeing them “gasp” at the top of the tank
Cory PepperCory PepperOur price: £3.95Viewcorydontis Punctatuscorydontis PunctatusOur price: £5.95ViewCorydoras AdolphiCorydoras AdolphiOur price: £12.95ViewCorydoras Bronze LongfinCorydoras Bronze LongfinOur price: £6.95View
Corydoras ConcolourCorydoras ConcolourOur price: From £7.50ViewKeep in groups of 5 or more for best results of more sociable outgoing colour group. Keep in soft sand substrate. Plants, bogwood and caves will be greatfully acceptedCorydoras HastatusCorydoras HastatusOur price: £3.50ViewCorydoras Orange VenezuelanCorydoras Orange VenezuelanOur price: £9.95ViewCorydoras PandaCorydoras PandaOur price: £6.95View
Corydoras Peru Orange LaserCorydoras Peru Orange LaserOur price: £16.95ViewCorydoras SterbaeCorydoras SterbaeOur price: £7.95ViewCorydoras Violet  - Corydoras similisCorydoras Violet - Corydoras similisOur price: £6.95ViewLike all corys the violet cory loves being in shoals, they are great additions to peaceful aquariums and will eat from the bottom of the aquarium, catfish pellets, and frozen food are both readily taken.Gibbicep Plec 2" to 3"Gibbicep Plec 2" to 3"Our price: £8.95ViewAn excellent scavenger and algae eater but does grow large. It is a hardy plec that can take a wide range of parameters and can even be kept with malawi cichlids. It can also be know as a sailfin plec as it has the most amazing dorsel fin with beautiful colouring. It will eat anything offer to them except aquatic plants, they have no interest in them, but because of their adults size can end up up rooting the plants. They love lots of wood in their aquarium to hide below.
HoplosterumHoplosterumOur price: £6.95ViewJulii CorysJulii CorysOur price: £6.95ViewAn easy hardy Cory, but like to keep close to natural range. Like all corys thou they get on and will shoal with other types. They eat from the bottom, using a catfish pellet like Tetra tabimin or Bug bite Bottom feeders are recommended.Ottocinclus AffinsOttocinclus AffinsOur price: From £2.50Viewottocinclus hoppeiottocinclus hoppeiOur price: From £2.50View
Pim PictusPim PictusOur price: £9.95ViewSouth American Bumblebee catfishSouth American Bumblebee catfishOur price: £5.95ViewSyno Featherfin cats 1.5 inchSyno Featherfin cats 1.5 inchOur price: £5.95ViewSyno PetricolaSyno PetricolaOur price: £8.95ViewThe Petricola comes from lake tanganyika, and is a rock dweller, but does not  grow huge. It is a omnivore who love insect larvae but will readily take any food offer to them. 
Thai Glass catsThai Glass catsOur price: £5.95ViewTwig whiptail FarlowellaTwig whiptail FarlowellaOur price: £10.95ViewWhiptail RedWhiptail RedOur price: £18.00View
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