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African Blue sheen TetraAfrican Blue sheen TetraOur price: £8.95ViewA larger Tetra from Africa, that is very popular within the hobby. The best colours can be achieved with indirect sunlight and dark substrate. Sensitive to nitrates and need to be always below 20ppm. A longer aquarium (4ft or more) would be great appreciated for them to have space to swim around, best in a shoal of 6 or more. African Red Eye TetraAfrican Red Eye TetraOur price: From £8.50ViewDue to their size they need a larger aquarium where they have room to swim. They can be a timid fish so like most tetras do better in shoals of 6 or more fish. Ideal aquariums will have dense planting with driftwood and dark substrate.Alestes African Longfin TetrasAlestes African Longfin TetrasOur price: From £7.00ViewA larger Tetra from Africa, that is very popular within the hobby. The best colours can be achieved with indirect sunlight and dark substrate. Sensitive to nitrates and need to be always below 20ppm. A longer aquarium (4ft or more) would be great appreciated for them to have space to swim around, best in a shoal of 6 or more. Beacon / Head and tail tetra- Hemigrammus OcelliferBeacon / Head and tail tetra- Hemigrammus OcelliferOur price: From £1.50ViewA very peaceful schooling fish. Perfect for community tanks with other non aggrsesive tank mates such as dwarf cichlids, corys etc. They prefer calm planted tanks with open swimming space and will thrive in a black water aquarium, both in colour and spawning. Will accept all types of food.
Beacon AlbinoBeacon AlbinoOur price: From £1.50ViewAlbino beacons are albino version of the beacon tetra. They are peaceful little tetra, that like all shoaling fish like to be in at least 6 fish. They do well with other tetras , dwarf cichlids , corys and other non aggressive fish. Will do well in a community tank or planted tank. Peat filtration or black water will highlight their colour more.Black NeonsBlack NeonsOur price: From £1.50ViewThis Tetra loves being in a school of 6 fish or more, smaller numbers result in pecking order resulting in the dominant fish killing the less dominant . Like most tetras, they do well in a well planted tank with open swimming space. Broad feederBleeding Heart - Hypheeobrycon erythrostigmaBleeding Heart - Hypheeobrycon erythrostigmaOur price: From £1.95ViewIf you want a statement fish, then the bleeding heart is for you. They are deep body with rosey tint body with stunning longfins. (males have longer and more colourful fins thewn females) Like the majority of tetras are best in schools of 6 or more. Peat and almond leaves etc will bring out more vivid colours. they are prone to white spot so a careful eye should be cast over them. Bleeding hearts prefer densely planted tanks with driftwood and lots of nooks and crannies for them to hang out in and feel secure. They require a variety of food to be kept in tip top condition but will happily take most foods.Blindcave Tetra - Astyanax JordaniBlindcave Tetra - Astyanax JordaniOur price: £2.50ViewA hardy semi peaceful schooling although it can nip other fish, not fussy about decor as it can not see. It uses it’s lateral line to navigate.
Blue Cobalt TetrasBlue Cobalt TetrasOur price: From £2.00ViewThese Fish look best in a low light planted tank. Also do well for planted tanks with low population in fish is desired. They can be nippy so do not keep with long finned fishes. They prefer dark substrate with a spacious environment for swimming that is well oxgenated waterBuenos AriesBuenos AriesOur price: £2.50ViewA beautiful looking fish , but care should be given of what goes in with them as they can be a bully and nip other fish.  Shoals can help reduced the aggression but not eliminate it . That being said they are extremly hardy and can be kept in temperate or tropical aquariumsCardinal Gold Tetra - Paracheirodon axelrodiCardinal Gold Tetra - Paracheirodon axelrodiOur price: From £2.00ViewThe most eye catching display for an aquarium is a huge shoal of Cardinal Tetras and now you can get in a gold form! , Brighter then a neon tetra and can be distinguished from them by the easiest way of the blue line going right to the tail. As they are from nearer the equator they prefer and tolerate warmer water. Keep them with dark substrate and planted aquaria for best impact. Will eat a large range of food.Cardinal Tetra - Paracheirodon AxelrodiCardinal Tetra - Paracheirodon AxelrodiOur price: £2.50ViewThe most eye catching display for an aquarium is a huge shoal of Cardinal Tetras, Brighter then a neon tetra and can be distinguished from them by the easiest way of the blue line going right to the tail. As they are from nearer the equator they prefer and tolerate warmer water. Keep them with dark substrate and planted aquaria for best impact. Will eat a large range of food.
Congo AlbinoCongo AlbinoOur price: £6.95ViewCongo TetraCongo TetraOur price: £7.95ViewThis beautiful coloured Tetra comes from Africa. Keep in schools of 6 or more for best displays. They are Hardy but ideally prefer slightly acid to neutral water. Tanks should be planted at the back with tall plants leaving lots of open space for these active swimmers. Generally peaceful but care should be taken with angels as they could nip the free flowing fins of the congos Congo YellowtailCongo YellowtailOur price: £8.95ViewDiamond TetraDiamond TetraOur price: £2.50ViewThis fish can be described as a little gem by any aquarist who keeps them, no only do they sparkle but also reflect other fishes colours bringing another dimension to the aquarium, and personality is just the same they are very peaceful just sparkle.
Ember TetrasEmber TetrasOur price: From £1.75ViewA perfect little Tetra to add to a nano tank or community tank, stays smaller than other tetras, and when pairing with a dark substrate and plants and you will really see their colour pop!Emperor AlbinoEmperor AlbinoOur price: £3.00ViewEmperor BlackEmperor BlackOur price: £2.95ViewEmperor kerri blueEmperor kerri blueOur price: £2.95View
Emperor PurpleEmperor PurpleOur price: £2.95ViewEmperor TetraEmperor TetraOur price: £2.50View A subtle tetra that at first glance you would be forgiven to wonder why many love these guys, In the store they can be just black and white but with the right conditions a blue haze does come through. and gorgeous elegant fins. Males have blue eyes. They readily accept all omnivore food.Glass BloodfinGlass BloodfinOur price: From £2.00ViewA unique Tetra with their see through body and deep red fins. They are hardy, easy to breed, long lived and peaceful. It is a nervous/shy fish so 6 to 10 in the their shoal will make them feel more confident. They also will appreciate some floating plants. Happily eats all types of foodGlolight Tetra Hemigrammus ErthrozonusGlolight Tetra Hemigrammus ErthrozonusOur price: From £2.00ViewA native to quiet streams with tannin. It is a relative easy to care for tetra but care should be taken if keeping with fish with long flowing fins. It vibrant orange colour will introduce more colour into your aquarium and if kept with congo or pearl danios they will reflect this colour. As they come from black water , it is the ideal environment but will thrive in any tank, with a bit of driftwood and sandy bottom. The glolight will not eat plants but do not mind if they are in the aquarium or not.
Lemon AlbinoLemon AlbinoOur price: £2.95ViewLemon TetraLemon TetraOur price: From £2.00ViewOften Passed by, but oh what you have been missing! beautiful vibrant yellow body will deep black edges on their fins. It rarely shows off colours in the store’s tank and needs to be establish and settled. Using a dark substrate will help show off their colour by contrasting. They will eat all food but feeding colour enhancing food will help bring the yellow colour out more.Neon (large) tetrasNeon (large) tetrasOur price: £2.50ViewProbably the most popular tetra in the hobby.  A hardy little fish that will bring an instant impact to your aquarium, be mindful of tank mates as they can easily be swallowed up.Neon (small)TetrasNeon (small)TetrasOur price: From £0.60ViewProbably the most popular tetra in the hobby. A hardy little fish that will bring an instant impact to your aquarium, be mindful of tank mates as they can easily be swallowed up.
Neon Black AlbinoNeon Black AlbinoOur price: From £2.00ViewNeon Brilliant diamondNeon Brilliant diamondOur price: £1.95ViewNeon GoldNeon GoldOur price: From £2.25ViewNeon GreenNeon GreenOur price: From £1.50ViewThese little guys look like the neon tetra but in my opinion are so much nicer. These guys can be kept in nano tanks as well as large tanks but care should be given for compatible tank mates, for them not to be eaten. They are very sensitive to high nitrates and other metabolic waste.
Paraguay Tetra - Aphyocharax paraguayensisParaguay Tetra - Aphyocharax paraguayensisOur price: From £1.95ViewThe Paraguay Tetra can be aggressive to slow moving / smaller fish so care should be taken on the tank mates. They do best in groups of 9 or above dealing with aggression between themselves. They thrive in Planted aquariums, enjoying swimming in between the plants and also the open swimming space.Penquin Thaeyeria BoehlkeiPenquin Thaeyeria BoehlkeiOur price: From £2.00ViewA peaceful community fish that is relatively hardy, (be warn if nitrate or phosphates are high you will not just loose one or two you can loose whole shoal.) It does very well thou it large shoals planted tanks, and hangs out at the top of the water. Is a broad feeder that can live solely on flake with occasional treat but will readily take pellets, livefood or frozen.Phantom Black -HyphessobryconPhantom Black -HyphessobryconOur price: £2.50ViewPhantom Red Tetra - Hyphessobrycon SwegiesiPhantom Red Tetra - Hyphessobrycon SwegiesiOur price: £2.50ViewThe cousin to the black phantom but much fussier for right conditions but still makes a fantastic community fish. They liked subdued lighting and not too warm. Dark substrate encourages best colours of the fish.
Phantom Yellow - HyphessobryconPhantom Yellow - HyphessobryconOur price: £2.50ViewPristella / XrayPristella / XrayOur price: From £2.00ViewA staple of the aquarium Hobby. One of the easiest and hardiest, excellent for beginners and peaceful aquariums.Pristella AlbinoPristella AlbinoOur price: From £2.00ViewRathbuni Tetra - Aphyocharax rathbuniRathbuni Tetra - Aphyocharax rathbuniOur price: £1.95ViewRelatively hardy fish and that does well in big shows, so more than 6 is great, they do well in aquarium with whitec louds and complement each other well.
Red Flame TetraRed Flame TetraOur price: £1.95ViewA well planted tank with 6 or more fish is ideal, we have found this fish to be a bit nippy so best not keep with too docile fish. It is a broad feeder, If keep in lower ph water colour is more intense then at the higher end of the alkalinity scale. This can be achieved by using peat in the filter or almond leave and such like in the aquarium . The colour can also be intensive by being heavily plant with dark substrate. Males can be distinguished by his deep red anal fin.Red Laser - Hemigrammus coeruleusRed Laser - Hemigrammus coeruleusOur price: £10.99ViewRedeye Tetra - - Moenkhausia SanctaefilomenaeRedeye Tetra - - Moenkhausia SanctaefilomenaeOur price: £1.95ViewA nice community fish for a more boisterous community aquarium, as it can nip other slow moving fish’s fins. Best kept with darker substrate for better colouring, and as a shoaling fish best kept in numbers above 5Rosy TetraRosy TetraOur price: £2.50View
Rummynose - Hemiggrammus RhodostomusRummynose - Hemiggrammus RhodostomusOur price: £3.00View One of the most popular fish to put with discus! With their tight shoaling behaviour and stunning red noses you can see why. for best impact keep them in groups of 12 or more. They do best in tanks with mixed plant, driftwood etc with open space for them to swim back and fourth mid water. Duty of care should be taken if other then first thing in the morning their vibrant red nose looks washed out, this usually means there is something wrong with the water conditions. Thus making them like canaries in coal mines and indicating to you when something is wrong in the water.Sailfin Tetra - Crenuchus SpilurusSailfin Tetra - Crenuchus SpilurusOur price: £7.95ViewUnlike most Tetras, the sailfin does not school, they can be territorial so best kept in groups of one male to three females. They well live happily with other small tetras, dwarf cichlids and cory catfish. It can be timid so would benefit from plants,(especially floating plants) bogwood and caves in it’s environment. They like daphnia and other frozen ,meaty food, Tetra prima or such like food would be an excellent food to feed them as they like to track its food before it sinks. Males are more colourful and dorsal is more prolonged.Serpae Tetra - Hyphessobrycon EquesSerpae Tetra - Hyphessobrycon EquesOur price: £2.00ViewSerpae tetras can be fin nippers but can be helped controller by keeping in larger shoals. They are a broad feeder and will eat flake,frozen, pellets, freeze driedSilvertip Tetra -  Hasemania NanaSilvertip Tetra - Hasemania NanaOur price: £1.95ViewA nice schooling fish fond of quiet low light aquariums. They like fine substrate driftwood and fine leave plants and also Java moss
Splash TetraSplash TetraOur price: £3.95ViewThese are Unique Tetras in the fact they leap out of water and lay their eggs on a leaf above the water level, so a good lid is essential or the water level dropped. They are peaceful and in right conditions easy to keep. males have more colour and beautiful elongated fins. A must for any true aquarist.VeiltailVeiltailOur price: £1.95ViewWhitefinWhitefinOur price: £2.50ViewWidow Black - Gymnocorymbus TernetziWidow Black - Gymnocorymbus TernetziOur price: From £1.50ViewA great community fish although can be a bit nippy, which can be diffused by having them in a larger school. They prefer disfused light and do well with dwarf cichlids, other tetras and peaceful bottom dwellers.
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