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Blue electric acara Andinoacara PulcherBlue electric acara Andinoacara PulcherOur price: £9.95ViewThe electric Blue acara is a morph of the blue acara.  Remembering they are cichlid, they are on the peaceful side, they do dig a lot especially if they are breeding and will defend their young vigorously.  Flowerpots, caves and bogwood are all graciously appreciated. Will eat all types of food but Love Live food particular earth worms are a firm fave (if taking from garden please make sure no pesticides or slug killer etc has been used)Bolivain Red RamBolivain Red RamOur price: £6.95ViewCiclasoma BocourtiCiclasoma BocourtiOur price: £10.99ViewElliot Cichlid  Thorichthys elliotiElliot Cichlid Thorichthys elliotiOur price: £6.95ViewElliot’s are closely related to firemouth cichlids, they are easy to care for and are one of the least aggressive cichlids. They are a nice broad feeder and can be kept with most fish but nothing to small such a small tetras which would be eaten but congo, african red eye and such like should be fine.
FestivumFestivumOur price: £8.95ViewFiremouth cichlidFiremouth cichlidOur price: £6.95ViewSize: 15cm (5.9”)Temp: 24-30°CPH: 6.8-8.0 (usually kept around 6.8/7 in store)Diet: flake, granules, cichlid pellets, frozen/live/freeze dried foodsTank Requirements: These fish like slow moving waters with a riverbed consistency (think sandy bottom with some fine gravel through it and some smooth rocks laying around). There should be dense vegetation along the side with some leaf debris and bits of wood. This will help to darken the water and show off this fish’s beautiful colouration. The sand helps with their diet and activities as they like to sift through sand, like geophagus fish, and anything that isn’t edible gets thrown out via their gills so it is imperative that the sand and gravel is soft / rounded. Caves made by smooth rocks, upturned flower pots, or large cavernous wood would be greatly appreciated by this beautiful species, but make sure to leave space at the front for open swimming. Planting should be secured to wood or rocks (flourish glue can help with this) to avoid it being dug up when sifting. They do not tolerate high nitrate, it can cause serious health problems, so a good level of filtration is required as well as frequent water changes, or a larger tank. Tank wise this fish will appreciate a tank that is larger than 3 to 4ft to give it room to grow and thrive. Tank mates: FIiemouths go fantastic with severum, blue acara, rainbow cichlids, and sajica cichlids. Alternativly you can keep then with rainbows or larger barbs (anything bigger than a full size suberti barb would be ideal). Catfish are fine as are plecos and algae eaters (with the exception being if your firemouth tries to breed, in which case all tank mates should be reconsidered)Flowerhorn 4" High Grade wysiwygFlowerhorn 4" High Grade wysiwygOur price: £60.00ViewFlowerhorn Pearl 3"Flowerhorn Pearl 3"Our price: £19.95View
Geophagus Hondae Red HumpGeophagus Hondae Red HumpOur price: £8.95ViewGold SeverumGold SeverumOur price: £8.95ViewGreen Terror Large 4"Green Terror Large 4"Our price: £16.99ViewGreen TerrorsGreen TerrorsOur price: £6.95ViewSize: 25cm (9.8”)Temp: 20-24°CPH: 6.5-8.0Diet: Flake, granules, cichlid pellets and frozen/live/freeze dried foods
Jack DempseyJack DempseyOur price: £4.95ViewJack Dempsey Electric BlueJack Dempsey Electric BlueOur price: £24.99ViewOrange ChromideOrange ChromideOur price: £6.95ViewOscar Albino Red 2"Oscar Albino Red 2"Our price: £7.95View
Oscar Albino Red Tiger 2"Oscar Albino Red Tiger 2"Our price: £7.95ViewSize: 34cm (13.5”)PH: pH: 6.0-8.0Temp: 23-27°CDiet: pellets, flake (mostly when small), variety of frozen/life/freeze dried foods (meatier when bigger)Oscar LemonOscar LemonOur price: £9.95ViewOscar Red 2"Oscar Red 2"Our price: £7.95ViewOscar Red Tiger 2"Oscar Red Tiger 2"Our price: £7.95ViewSize: 34cm (13.5")PH: pH: 6.0-8.0Temp: 23-27°CDiet: pellets, flake (mostly when small), variety of frozen/life/freeze dried foods (meatier when bigger)
Oscar wildOscar wildOur price: £14.99ViewRainbow CichlidRainbow CichlidOur price: £5.95ViewSize: 12.5cmTemp: 22-28°CPH: 6.5-7.4Diet: flake, granules, cichlid pellets, live/frozen/freeze dried foodsTank requirements: These beautiful hardy fish need a minimum of a 3ft tank. They originate from a river area so they like a moderate flow of very clean water; this means excellent filtration and frequent water changes (once a week, or 2 small changes in our opinion). They like areas where they can shelter and hide amongst heavy vegetation and rocks, roots and bog wood. They are a great warning fish as they do not have their intense colours when they are unhappy, which is a good sign for checking their water quality.Tank mates: Being much more peaceful than other cichlids, these fish can be kept with tetras and barbs that have a triangular body (or a deep body; think non torpedo shaped fish) such as serpae tetras, tiger barbs, diamond tetras, or fast fish such as penguins (but only when introduced while rainbow cichlids are very juvenile and penguins are larger - due to shape!), rainbow fish, giant danios,etc as well as the likes of gouramies, dwarf cichlids, other gentle south american cichlids, and angels. Catfish and plecs can also be kept, however, with catfish would stick to armoured (ex hoplesternum) or small synodontis. Plecs of any kind would be tolerated. Red Jewel - Hemichromis LifaliliRed Jewel - Hemichromis LifaliliOur price: £3.95ViewThe smaller of the red jewel cichlids, and is more compatible for a cichlid tank that its larger relative H.Guttas as it is less aggresive. Keept is spacious tanks with plants and caves.Redbreasted AcaraRedbreasted AcaraOur price: £6.95ViewSize: 8cm (3.2”)Temp: 18-26°CpH: 5.0-7.0Diet: Flake, granules, live/freeze dried/frozen foodsTemperament and tank requirements: Community tank with dim lighting is preferred or a heavily planted tank with shaded areas. Floating plants can help with shading (such as duckweed). They prefer gentle flowing water with good filtration and frequent water changes to keep nitrates low as they can be sensitive to poor water conditions. Tank mates: big enough not to be eaten, but peaceful enough to not harass the cichlids. Ideal is catfish, hatchets, tetras and algae eaters. 
Regani CichlidRegani CichlidOur price: £8.95ViewSajica (T-Bar) cichlidSajica (T-Bar) cichlidOur price: £4.95ViewSize: 12.5cm (4.9”)PH: 7.0-8.0Temperature: 24-28°CDiet: flakes, small sinking pellet foods, mixture of frozen foods such as white mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, mysis and chopped prawns and cockles (when larger), bloodworm, daphnia (when small)These blue-eyed cichlids are quite a social fish, but can become a moderately aggressive when larger. Males develop a small nuchal hump and longer anal and dorsal fins; females show metallic yellow colours especially in the dorsal fin. They like a moderate to strong flow of water as they come from a river basin originally. They like a minimum of a 3ft tank, with robust hardy plants (think amazon sword, java fern, anubias) that are on wood or amongst the rocks (or they may be relocated by the fish!) with plenty of hiding spaces amongst rock and driftwood (they also do well when terracotta pots are added on their side). These hiding areas can give them a relief from the moderately moving water and quieter resting places. Tank mates: can include shoaling fishes such as Buenos Aires tetras and Swordtails, other cichlids should be of similar size and temperament e.g. some of the other more peaceable Central/South American species, and medium sized catfish as well as plecostomus. Severum Red shoulderSeverum Red shoulderOur price: £8.95ViewSeverum Rotkeil SmallSeverum Rotkeil SmallOur price: £4.95View
Texas CichlidTexas CichlidOur price: £6.95ViewSize: 35cm (13.8”)Temp: 23-28°CPH: 7-8 Diet: pellets, frozen/freeze dried/ live foods, granules, some flake (mostly when smaller)Threadfin Acara Acarichthys HeckeliiThreadfin Acara Acarichthys HeckeliiOur price: £19.95ViewUaruUaruOur price: £13.99ViewWild Blue Acara 4"Wild Blue Acara 4"Our price: £9.95ViewThe Blue Acara is a beautiful little fish that has been a readily available fish in the hobby for many years. It doesn’t get overly large, nor does it get overly agressive. However, it is best not kept with very much smaller fish that it may deem suitable as food. Size: 13-16cm (5.1-6.3”)PH: 6.5 - 7.8Temp: 22-30 C (72-86 f)Diet: flake, pellets, granules, live/freeze dried/frozen foods. Slightly higher protein is required as well as a good quality pellet food that is nutrient rich. A vitamin supplement will help keep the fish in top condition and its colours vibrant. 
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