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Alternanthera Reineckii "Mini"
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This miniature version of the well-known Alternanthera is characterized by compact growth and a slower growth rate. It is particularly suitable for small aquariums or as a foreground plant in larger aquascapes. By careful trimming, it is possible to create a dense, red violet carpet of approximately 5 to 10 cm height. High light intensity and addition of CO2 improves the plants growth and overall appearance.
Bacopa caroliniana 043 tc
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Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
Blyxa Japonica
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From £5.50
The Blyxa japonica originates in the nutrient rich shallow pools of water, swamps and slowly flowing rivers in East and South East Asia.
Cryptocoryne crispatula 125tc
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Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
Cryptocoryne undulatus 'Red' 110b
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This red version of Cryptocoryne undulata grows wild in rivers of Sri Lanka.
Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Green' 109 tc
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Cryptocoryne wendtii ‘Green' presents beautiful, green leaves and a height from 10-15 cm with a rosette from 8-15 cm wide.
Elatine hydropiper 141 tc
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he creeping growth of this stem-plant makes it highly attractive for creating carpets in the aquarium. The very small leaf size makes it an obvious choice for nano-tanks.
Eleocharis acicularis 'Mini' 132b tc
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Eleocharis acicularis 'mini' has even lower growth than the common Eleocharis parvula and was given to Tropica by Thomas Barr from USA. Plant the mini-version in small portions to cover a large area. In short time, a dense carpet will be obtained. Needs light to perform optimally, however, it is one of the most reliable species for creating a carpet – and a minimum of maintenance since the leaves remain short (3-5 cm). Suitable for nano-aquariums.
Eriocaulon Cinerum
Our price:
From £4.55
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
Glossostigma elatinoides 045a tc
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Glossostigma elatinoides from New Zealand is much in demand in Japanese-inspired aquariums. It is one of the smallest aquarium plants (2-3 cm tall), and thus a good foreground plant. A difficult plant demanding a lot of light. Grows upwards if light is poor. Make sure larger plants do not overshadow it. When planting in the aquarium small clumps (approx. 1/8 pot) should be placed at intervals of a few centimetres to help the plants grow together more quickly. CO2 addition and soft water promote growth significantly.
Gratiola viscidula 042 tc
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gratiola viscidula originates from Northern America and is relatively new to the aquatic hobby. The somewhat ‘thorny’ appearance of the submersed form makes it very distinct and easily recognizable.
Helanthium bolivianum 'Quadricostatus' 068
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Echinodorus ‘Quadricostatus’ from South America has characteristic light-green leaves 10-15 cm long which form a good contrast to the darker aquarium plants. It is most beautiful when planted in groups, each roset becoming 15-20 cm wide. In good conditions it produces runners which spread over the bottom. Very light leaves are a sign of a shortage of micro-nutrients. There is some confusion about the name of this plant, and it has been sold as Echinodorus bolivianus var. magdalenensis.
Helanthium bolivianum 'Vesuvius' 067c tc
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Helanthium 'Vesuvius' (previously called Echinodorus 'Vesuvius') is a cultured species based on Helanthium angustifolia from Oriental Aquarium Plants.
Helanthium Quadricostatus 068
Our price:
From £5.50
Echinodorus ‘Quadricostatus’ from South America has characteristic light-green leaves 10-15 cm long which form a good contrast to the darker aquarium plants. It is most beautiful when planted in groups, each roset becoming 15-20 cm wide. In good conditions it produces runners which spread over the bottom. Very light leaves are a sign of a shortage of micro-nutrients. There is some confusion about the name of this plant, and it has been sold as Echinodorus bolivianus var. magdalenensis.
Helanthium Tenellum "Green" 067a
Our price:
From £5.50
Previously named Echinodorus tenellus 'Green'.
Hemianthus callitrichoides 'Cuba' 048b
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Hemianthus callitrichoides is one of the smallest aquarium plants in the world, and creeps over the bottom with millimetre-sized, round leaves. Hemianthus callitrichoides is an attractive and popular foreground plant for small aquariums.
Hemianthus micranthemoides 048a tc
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Hemianthus micranthemoides from North America is a graceful plant whose small, arched leaves make it look like a miniature version of Egeria. It has a characteristic trailing growth in intensive light, so it can be used as a foreground plant (stems from 10-20 cm tall, 2-3 cm wide). A compact group of Hemianthus micranthemoides is very beautiful with its small, light-green leaves.
Heteranthera Zosterifolia
Our price:
From £5.50
Heteranthera zosterifolia from South America is an extremely beautiful plant, which forms a lot of side shoots and thus quickly forms a bushy plant group.
Hydrocotyle tripartita 039b tc
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Hydrocotyle sp."Japan" is the popular name of the plant in different plant forums. It is a variant of Hydrocotyle tripartita from South-East Asia.
Hygrophila lancea 'Araguaia' 51b tc
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“Araguaia” is a river system in Brazil and it is under this name that the plant has become known. There are many signs, however, that the plant is a Hygrophila lancea from Japan and Hong Kong.
Hygrophila pinnatifida 51a tc
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Hygrophila pinnatifida originates from India. It obtains brown, patched leaves on the surface with a distinctive burgundy colour underneath. It creates horizontal side shoots and the top shoots should be pinched out in order to maintain compact and attractive growth. The horizontal side shoots easily attach to both wood and rocks. Growth is moderate, stems 15-40 cm tall and 10-20 cm wide, and the colour is attractive when planted in small groups with a plain background. Intense lighting ensures compact growth due to the plant's slow to medium growth rate.
Lilaeopsis brasiliensis 040 tc
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Lilaeopsis brasiliensis from South America can grow very compact, but a "lawn effect'' (4-7 cm tall) is only achieved at high light intensity. When planting in the aquarium small clumps (approx. 1/8 pot) should be placed a few centimetres apart to help the plants grow together more quickly. Place in an open position without shading from other plants to ensure good light. Lilaeopsis brasiliensis can be used in garden ponds, and also tolerates low salt concentrations in brackish aquariums.
Limnobium laevigatum 063 tc
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Limnobium laevigatum from South America is a decorative floating plant that is particularly suitable for open aquariums.
Littorella uniflora 081 tc
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The appearance of Littorella uniflora makes it an easily recognizable plant in the aquarium.
Marsilea crenata 010b
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This small fern comes from Asia, where it often grows in rice fields. The leaves are tiny and rarely wider than 0.5 cm.
Marsilia Hirsuta 010 tc
Our price:
From £5.50
Marsilea hirsuta is a carpet-plant from Australia. A fascinating plant, usually delivered with leaves like a four-leaf clover. After a transitional period it develops different types of leaves, possibly a low form with single leaves like a large Glossostigma, or alternatively develop two, three or four-lobed leaves varying in height (from 2-10 cm), depending on the growth conditions. Whichever form the plant adopts, it forms runners and spreads rapidly round the aquarium.
Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo' 025 tc
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Micranthemum tweediei 'Monte Carlo' originates from Argentina. It has compact, round and fresh light green leaves on creeping stalks and creates a fast-growing carpet in the front of the aquarium.
Monosolenium tenerum 002 tc
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The Asian Monosolenium tenerum is an attractive liverwort, 2-5 cm high, which looks most like a giant Riccia that simply stays at the bottom, where it forms cushions.
Myriophyllum "Guyana" 037e tc
Our price:
From £5.50
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
Nymphoides hydrophylla 'Taiwan' 041b tc
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Nymphoides sp. grows in Asia and Africa - and this variant of the species originates from southern Taiwan. The rosette plant can become 15-25 cm tall and 10-15 cm wide.
Phyllanthus fluitans 028 tc
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Originated from the American tropics, Phyllanthus fluitans is a floating plant part of the Phyllanthaceae family.
Pogostemon Erectus 053f tc
Our price:
From £5.50
The Indian Pogostemon erectus forms compact groups of bright green, conifer-like stems, 15-40 cm tall and 1-3 cm wide.
Pogostemon helferi 53h tc
Our price:
Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.
Ranunculus inundatus 022c tc
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This species comes from Australia and becomes 5-10 cm tall. There are many species and variants of Ranunculus, which grow coarse and leggy in aquariums. Ranunculus inundatus is characterised by its compact form and distinguished, deeply cut umbrellas. The plant forms many vertical runners with new plants and over time thick bottom coverage is formed. Good lighting produces compact growth. Long leaves can be pruned.
Riccia fluitans 001 tc
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Japanese Takashi Amano has inspired many aquarium owners to keep the 1-5 cm tall cosmopolitic liverwort, Riccia fluitans, submerged. It can be kept down by tying it to a stone with a piece of fishing line, but new shoots always grow towards the surface, so it may be necessary to prune it with scissors. Riccia fluitans thrives best with added CO2 and in good growing conditions small oxygen bubbles form on the leaf tips. As a traditional floating plant it offers good protection for young fish.
Rotala indica 'Bonsai' 033e tc
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Rotala indica 'Bonsai' is best described as a compact, moderate growing version of Bacopa caroliniana.
Rotala macrandra 032 tc
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Rotala macrandra ‘Japan’ is a magnificent aquarium plant, but unfortunately, it is very demanding. This variant is a little easier to grow and develops better coloration. It needs very good light to develop its beautiful red shades, just like CO2 addition and soft water are vital to ensure optimal growth.
Rotala rotundifolia 'Green' 033a tc
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The Asiatic Rotala sp. ‘Green’ is very similar to Rotala rotundifolia, but its leaves remain fresh and bright green, even with intensive light. Stems becomes 40-50 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. The plant forms many side shoots willingly and obtains a beautiful, bushy and "hanging" growth. Prune it frequently to maintain healthy growth. An ideal starter plant that looks best when planted in large groups.
Rotala rotundifolia 'H'ra' 032 tc
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Rotala 'H’ra' has rather narrow leaves and an overhanging or creeping growth. It is probably a variation of Rotala rotundifolia and has much resemblance to Rotala sp. ‘Green’.
Rotala wallichii 032a tc
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Rotala wallichii is a demanding plant that develops red shoot tips in good light conditions.
Sagittaria subulata 079 tc
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Sagittaria subulata from South America is an ideal, undemanding foreground plant whose short runners form a compact group. Place individual plants 2-4 cm apart. This plant may cause problems because in certain conditions it suddenly grows to a height of 50 cm when it grows older. But if it is then moved into the background it may become low again. In the aquarium it sometimes sends a long flower stem to the surface, and small white flowers unfold just above the water surface.
Salvinia auriculata 011 tc
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Salvinia auriculata is a cosmopolitan floating fern, 1-3 cm that grows quickly if there is sufficient nutrition and light. Light leaves are a sign of a shortage of micronutrients. It tends to shade light from the plants at the bottom. Salvinia varieties have small hairs on their leaves, making them water resistant.
Staurogyne repens 049g tc
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Staurogyne repens is a fresh green, compact and hardy plant for the foreground of the aquarium and it was found in River Rio Cristalino in the southern Amazonas. Its nearest relative in the aquaristic is Hygrophila but Staurogyne is different with its marked compact, low and bushy stature (5-10 cm) and small green leaves (each stem is 3.4 cm wide).
Taxiphyllum 'Flame' 003h tc
Our price:
Asian Flame moss got its name from its form of growth. Tight, vertical and softly undulating shoots give the impression of a deep green campfire, 5-15 cm high. The special shape makes Flame moss very suitable for horizontal surfaces and it only spreads slowly horizontally.
Taxiphyllum 'Spiky' 003g tc
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‘Spiky’ is Asiatic and grows 2-10 cm tall. Best described as Christmas moss' big brother, it is bigger and forms many deep green, branched shoots. Spiky moss does best on vertical surfaces where the branched shoots will show. A beautiful carpeting effect is possible if you plant small tufts into the bottom substrate with a small interspace. It grows fast and thrives at a very low light intensity.
Taxiphyllum alternans 'Taiwan' 003 tc
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Growth of Mini Taiwan moss is horizontal and overhanging, like a mini version of 'Weeping moss'. Attaching to branching wood or vertical rock will present it at its best and is also very useful for a moss wall or for hiding installations in the aquarium.
Taxiphyllum barbieri 003 tc
Our price:
Taxiphyllum barbieri from South-East Asia is a hardy plant which makes few demands on the water or light. The moss becomes 3-10 cm thick and grows willingly on any surface, so it is ideal for decorating stones and tree roots or concealing installations in the aquarium. Attach the plant with a piece of fishing line or cotton thread until it has gained a hold on the décor. If its growth becomes too luxuriant, it can be pruned with scissors. In breeding aquariums Taxiphyllum barbieri is a wonderful hiding place for the young fish.
Utricularia graminifolia 049b tc
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Utricularia graminifolia from Asia belongs to the bladderwort family. All the plants in this family are insect eating, perennial water and marsh plants. In the nature, the plant lives in nutrient-poor places, hence the need to catch small insects and digest them.
Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping' 003b tc
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Vesicularia ferriei 'Weeping', commonly known as Weeping Moss, is believed to originate from China and has been distributed by Oriental Aquarium Plants. 'Weeping' is a fleshy, 1-3 cm tall hanging moss with teardrop-like bright green shoots. It is best attached to driftwood or roots, as its drooping growth pattern helps to create depth and contrast in the aquarium. 'Weeping' has low demands, is fast growing and should be pruned frequently with scissors to maintain an attractive shape.
Vesicularia montagnei 'Christmas' 003a tc
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A moss speciality from Brasil, 1-3 cm tall, called "Christmas tree moss'', because of its side branch structure which distinguishes it from ordinary Vesicularia dubyana and looks like fir tree branches. It is more demanding than ordinary Java moss and grows more slowly. It attaches readily to roots and stones, and as it spreads in the water it needs pruning to keep its shape attractive. See also Taxiphyllum barbieri.
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