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TMC Brineshrimp+Omega 3 5 x 100g blister

TMC Brineshrimp+Omega 3 5 x 100g blister
Our price: £12.50
  • Description

Brineshrimp + Omega-3. For marine, tropical, coldwater & cichlid.

The only food used by Tropical Marine Centre at its four fish-holding facilities.Highest quality ingredients, rapidly packed, sealed & frozen.Gamma irradiated. This completely eliminates any risk of introducing harmful parasites or bacteria into your aquarium, and also means that the food is completely safe to store in your freezer.100% natural products and the wide variety available ensures that individual species of fish receive a balanced, varied and interesting diet.Blister packs are designed to dispense one measured cube of food at a time, leaving the rest of the product sealed within their separate blisters. A quick and convenient way of feeding fish.Colour-coded feeding suitability guide makes it easy to find the right food for your fish!
5x 100g Blister Packs of the same or a mix of varieties, just state what you would like to have.
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